Understanding California HOA And Condo Association Restrictions
The Terms: Covenant, Conditions And Restrictions
Covenant, conditions and restrictions, commonly called CC&Rs, govern the resolution of most HOA disputes.
CC&Rs are legally binding restrictions, drafted by a lawyer and filed with the County Recorder’s Office. CC&Rs govern how homeowners and condominium associations operate in California.
CC&Rs restrict what individual owners can do with their property, how common area is used and maintained, among other things. CC&Rs may require a party to act or not to act depending on the situation. As these restrictions limit various aspects of the use of your Property, it is essential that the CC&Rs are written properly, updated often and enforced fairly.
As common interest developments grow, changes need to be made to CCRs. A clean set of CCRs can help avoid confusion. Your CCRs should be reviewed at least once every 10 years.
Proactively using a lawyer will help board members avoid litigation and makes community development members happier in the long run.
Turning To Gregory M. Garrison For Legal Guidance
If you are dealing with a dispute that involves CC&Rs, you need an attorney who has strong listening, analytical and negotiating skills as well as trial experience. Interpreting, applying and enforcing a covenant, condition or restriction is one thing, justifying your actions with an attorney to a judge or jury is another.
Attorney Gregory M. Garrison has a history of results when it comes to HOA and condominium-related cases. Mr. Garrison has a reputation for no-nonsense resolution of disputes.
If you need help with California CCRs reach out to Gregory M. Garrison, APC. Call 619-798-9501 today or complete a simple online form. Consultations are free. Choosing the wrong lawyer isn’t.